Thursday, September 20, 2007

We caught a rat.....a 23 pound one!

We were over at Bella's Nana and PawPaw's house (Brannon's dad and his wife) and Bella had climbed behind the TV and I heard her kicking something and we went to see what she was kicking and she was "stuck" on a mouse trap - one of those sticky ones! Luckily, they are not poisonous because it was on her hand, her leg and foot and obviously all over her one shoe! I still haven't gotten it off her shoe! The presence of rodents is one part of the country (of many) that I don't think I will ever get used to! We haven't had any at our house (at least that I have seen) and I'm hoping it stays that way!!! I know there are snakes and such out right now and we live across the street from an overgrown field, so...I'm not looking forward to such visitors! I didn't have the camera with me as we had walked down there, so no picture evidence of the rat trapping, but here is a picture of her being silly and playing with one of my kitchen rags!

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