WOW - another year has come and gone -- out with 2008 and in with 2009! I didn't think I could sum up a whole year in one blog post - but here is my attempt!
January: Bella fell, fractured her arm, wore a cast for 4 weeks. Both girls had their yearly check-ups and both were GREAT!
February: Bella got rid of her cast after wearing for 4 weeks! Beth got a job! Girls started to "school" - first week was hard - but they adjusted!
March: Quiet month - busy with work and girls at school. Brannon still working 2 jobs! Bella went to her first movie in a "moomie feater" to see Horton Hears a Who!
April: Brooklyn had her first ear infection but we treated it with garlic drops, adjustments from Daddy, and some TLC from Nana! We got the news that we're expecting again!!!
May: Beth turned 30! Brooklyn hit 18 months - all was well at her Check-up! Quick trip to Anniston for Dalton's baptism. Not much else going on - just work, work, work and play play play!
June: Beth got to hear the new baby's heartbeat for the first time! We are wondering if Bella will ever be potty trained (or at least if she will be before she's three???). We took a quick trip to Atlanta!! The girls got a "real" swingset!!!
July: Not much going on this month - just busy with work and school; Bella is finally showing interest in potty training - YAY!!! Beth is growing, growing, growing! Happy 4th of July!
August: We got to see the new baby on the ultrasound - all is well, no idea as to girl or boy! Bella turned 3!!! Bella saw another movie in a "moomie feater" - Wall-E!! We had an unexpected visit from the Moeckels!! Beth is growing, growing, growing!
September: Not much to report from September - girls had School Pictures, we visited the library. Mi-Mi visits! Beth keeps growing!!
October: Happy Halloween!!! We had 2 "mean" witches for Halloween! Went to the local Fall Festival - girls had a blast! Beth keeps growing!!
--November: Brooklyn turned 2 - in lieu of a birthday party - we went to the zoo! Fuel pump went out on the truck on the way home from zoo! Beth keeps growing!! Happy Thanksgiving!