Thursday, December 6, 2007

Shower Time

I used to be a morning shower-er, but since I'm not having to go to "work" everyday, if I don't get up early enough (i.e.- before the girls get up and before Brannon has to get up to get ready), then I don't get one until that night (and that's if I can stay up late enough to get one)! Since I didn't get up early enough today to get one before Brannon left, I had to improvise a bit! So I put up the baby gate to contain the girls just to the hallway/foyer area and their rooms (I also closed my bedroom door). This left only their bedroom doors open and the bathroom door. I proceeded to take my shower while they both stood outside the shower in their diapers waiting for their turn to take a shower! They stood there quite patiently only running off a few times to their rooms to play! After I got my shower, they got in and they both got their showers as well! Just a quick picture of them playing in the shower this morning!

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