Friday, March 7, 2008

What a Week!

I am so glad it is Friday! The week started with me sick on Monday - took the girls to daycare, went to work to submit payroll, and came home and went to bed! Did not leave bed for most of the day. I am still fighting whatever it is - severe head congestion is the main problem for me! Tuesday and Wednesday went by with little happening. Then Brannon was sick Wednesday night/all day Thursday! He was home yesterday and is again today. Then daycare called me around 4:15 yesterday afternoon saying I needed to come and get Bella. I will spare you the details, but she was unable to return to school today. So, since Brannon was staying home today, she stayed with him. She isn't feeling bad but rules are rules and I will respect them. Bella and Brooklyn both have runny noses - but that seems to be all (other than Bella's slight intestinal problem preventing her from returning to school)! Brooklyn went to school today much against Bella's will - Bella was trying to take Brooklyn from me this morning saying that "Baby Brooke stay house". I haven't heard from daycare so it appears that Brooklyn is staying "clear" of all the crap (haha - no pun intended)! Hopefully - we will get over whatever it is that is plaquing us all this weekend! Although I remain skeptical, since it was 75 degrees yesterday but the highs are only in the low 50s for the weekend!!! WHEN WILL SPRING BE HERE??????

I have not taken the first picture all week! So I shall leave you with a few that I've previously posted, but that I really like!

Have a great weekend,

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