The girls started "school" yesterday!! As I had mentioned in a previous post (at least I think I had), we were going to have a lady come into our house to be with the girls while Brannon and I were at work. Unfortunately, that situation did not work out. HOWEVER, we were able to find a daycare that had 2 openings and more importantly, that we were comfortable taking the girls to. I will be doing drop off as Brannon has to be at work at 5 am two days during the work week and then has a 35-40 minute drive to his office the other three days.
Drop-off yesterday (Day 1) went pretty well. When we pulled into the parking lot, Bella starting saying "that my school, that my school" - I was relieved at her excitement. Once inside, Brooklyn appeared to care less whether I was there or not! She was into everything and playing with all the toys in the "big room". Bella on the other hand was a little reluctant to let me leave. But eventually I did have to leave! And they did GREAT yesterday. The teachers that were there when I picked them up yesterday said they both had a great day, especially for first timers! When I asked Bella what she did at school last night she said "Bella plaay (she draws out her words sometimes - too cute), Bella watch a movie" (they had Cinderella on when I got there). I asked her what she ate for lunch (we get a sheet for Brooklyn but not for Bella) and she very clearly said "noodles and sauce" (they had spaghetti). I am so thankful she is able to tell what she did at school!!! While Brooklyn cannot tell us yet, her demeanor said it all - she was just as happy and content and not the least bit fussy last night!
This morning (Day 2) went pretty well also. On the way to school this morning I asked Bella if she was going to have a good day at school and her response was simply "Mommy you come back?". I told her I, of course, would come back when I was through with my work! She seemed content with that answer and walked right into school and never looked back (she is in the "big room" for kids 2 1/2 years and up). Brooklyn, however, had a bit of a harder morning not wanting me to leave. I am sure she cried for just a few minutes (maybe only seconds) after my departure and is having fun playing with her new friends (she is in the "baby room" for 6 weeks - 18 months, but there are two other little ones right around her age, so I am happy for that)!
All in all - things went much better than anticipated! I just wasn't sure what to expect given Bella hadn't been in daycare for 16 months and Brooklyn had never been!! Kids - they are resilent little creatures! I do, of course, have pictures of the girls from yesterday morning, I just haven't taken them off the camera yet!

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