--You know the old saying you're a perfect parent until you become one...(well or something like that anyway)! Before I had kids, there were things I swore I'd never do...
--Before I was a parent:--I swore I'd never have a child sleeping in my bed.
--I swore I'd never lay down with my child just so he/she could fall asleep and then sneak out once they were asleep.
I swore I'd never threaten my kid with time out (you know - "do you want to go to timeout? if you keep that up then you'll be in timeout") and then not follow through with it.
--I swore I wouldn't cook more than one meal a night - if the child is hungry enough, then he/she will eat what is cooked.
Now that I am a parent:--Bella slept in our bed for almost 6 months before finally returning to her big girl bed. She still occassionally ends up in our bed at night.
Bella wants to sleep in her bed but she likes me to lay down with her until she falls asleep and I do so! I can't help it - the snuggle time is priceless.
--I find myself always asking them "do you want to go to timeout" - but don't always follow through with it.
--I find myself trying to cook what I know Bella will eat (Brooklyn will eat anything!). For instance, I cooked Santa Fe soup the other night and Bella even helped me cook it and said she was going to try it - but then she insisted she wanted Noodle Soup - so I made her Noodle Soup..
I know there are more things that I probably swore never to do - but these are the ones that come to mind right now!