Friday, August 29, 2008

Last Weekend

Brannon works all day Saturdays, so it is just the girls! The girls are up early (usually before 6am) on I cleaned the house and got the laundry started - all before 8 am! Nana had called and the girls were going to spend the day with her. So...I got them dressed and we headed out the door. We stopped for a biscuit at a local place that is sort of on the way. On the way from there to Nana's my truck stopped - in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere! I didn't even know the name of the road I was on! As it turns out - we were only about a 5 minute drive from Nana's house. So she came and got us and Pop's brother-in-law and son came and pulled the truck out of the road to a little parking lot (I use the term loosely)! Brannon was already on his way. Turns out my transmission line had become disconnected! We knew it was the transmission (1) because the truck didn't die - it just wouldn't move and (2) we knew we had a leak and (3) we could see the line of transmission fluid on the road!
Turns out it was an easy fix and Pop had it fixed before we even got back there on Sunday to pick up the girls from their sleep over!

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