We took Brady to the Pediatrician for his 4-month well visit on Thursday, April 16th! Here are his stats:
Weight: 12 lbs 13 oz --25th percentile
(11 lbs 1 oz at 2 months - gain of 1 lb 11 oz)
Length: 25 1/2 inches -- 75th percentile
(23 inches at 2 months - growth of 2 1/2 inches)
Head: 16 1/2 inches -- 50th percentile
(15 1/4 inches at 2 months - growth of 3/4 inches)
--He dropped from the 50th percentile for weight at 2 months to the 25th percentile at 4 months. Our pediatrician wasn't alarmed by this, but apparently babies don't start this drop until around 9 months when they are getting more active. We knew that my supply was decreasing as I have not been pumping the quantity that he eats while at daycare. Luckily, I have had a supply in the freezer from his first couple of months, so there has been no problem with him getting what he's wanted. I really enjoy breastfeeding and want to do so for the first year, at a minimum. So the fact that I'm already having a hard time keeping up with his needs is very sad for me. The pediatrician recommended we start him on cereal (which we did about a week ago) and that we increase his food intake (he started apples about a week ago as well). So now - he is getting a minimum of 3 jars of food a day and during the week at daycare - he gets cereal in two of his bottles. He will still nurse exclusively when with me (in the mornings, at night and on the weekends) - as opposed to receiving bottles. We're going to try this and see if he backs off the number of bottles he is taking - if he still continues to want/need the 4 bottles while at daycare (which is what he's done for the past 3 weeks) - then we will supplement that additional bottle with formula. Honestly - we are not that concerned about it - because he is gaining weight and he is just the happiest little guy. He really doesn't cry that often - just when he is ready for his bottle/nursing. My opinion is that if he were not getting enough to eat - then he wouldn't be as happy and content as he is. We're trying the new routine and hopefully all will be well at his 6-month well-visit.
He is doing great at daycare. He is not at the same place that the girls are, as they did not have any space for him. The lady that he stays with goes on and on about how good he is....When I drop him off in the mornings and "MiMi Carolyn" takes him - he just smiles at her. It is very reassuring that he seems so happy where he is!
Milestone-wise - he is doing GREAT! He loves to stand up (assisted, of course). He can sit up with support. We've noticed in the past week or so that when in his carseat - he is already trying to pull himself up...He laughs and smiles and talks to us ALL the time!! He is just such an easy baby. He sleeps well - not all night every night - but on a typical night he is only up maybe once. And as an added bonus - I can just lay him in his bed and he will entertain himself and then just fall asleep!!! I know there has to be more to say - but instead - I will just leave you with this picture from this past weekend.

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