Nana and Pop are still in Texas - tomorrow (Monday, the 20th of April) will be the start of their 4th week there. Pop spent several days in the Emergency Room at MD Anderson this past week. He had been discharged to the Rotary House but then he developed a fever, so they had to go through the emergency room in order to get admitted; however, there were no rooms available. I think it was Thursday night (or maybe Friday night) when they finally got re-admitted to a "real" room at MD Anderson. He still has a fever - but today it was right around 100.5 - which is better than it has been at 102.5! It is my understanding that once the fever breaks - they can go ahead and start with Round 2 of Chemo!
Also in the past week - they've had to give him a couple units of blood because his hemoglobin was low and he shaved his beard and mustache (I've been with Brannon for 12 1/2 years and I have never seen Pop without his beard). The last I heard - they were pleased with his platelet counts and that they were coming up.
Hopefully, the fever will break so that he can get onto Round 2!
My understanding of his treatment plan is 6 rounds of chemo; 5 weeks of radiation (at 5 days a week) and then surgery. I don't know this for sure - and as everyone knows - things can change.

glad to hear you got some answers as to what he's dealing with, continued prayers as he fights this cancer!