We are calling Nana and Pop most every night - if nothing else so the girls can talk to Nana and Pop! You must remember Nana had been at home with the kids full-time since the end of January when I returned to work after being out with Brady! So the girls are missing seeing their Nana every day!
We called tonight and Pop answered and sounded great! I honestly didn't expect him to answer tonight given they were starting the chemo last night (I wasn't sure if the side effects would happen immediately or what). He said they did start the chemo finally around midnight last night and that he slept pretty well and that today had been a quiet day and they had enjoyed that!
I asked Nana about the MRI results - I've hesistated to ask too many questions when I talk to them because I know it can be exhausting rehashing everything over and over - but at the same time we really want to know! From what I understand - the cancer could be from his knee to his pelvic area but they aren't sure because they feel there is adema in his leg which might be what they are seeing. She also mentioned that it could be in his lungs and the cells are just too small to detect. Either way - they are optimistic the chemo will do the trick and hopefully be the only course of treatment!
We are so thankful for everyone's prayers and sooo very thankful that things are going as well as can be expected - we can't change that the cancer is there, but it doesn't seem to be a "worst case" situation!

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