On Tuesday, April 7th I tried Brady with some Rice Cereal! He did ok with the whole process of eating but certainly did not care much for the taste of the rice cereal! So...Brannon found some cereal nipples and we've been adding it to two of his bottles during the day. I tried him with the cereal again Wednesday night and he was even less interested in it. Thursday I picked up some Stage 1 applesauce, bananas and pears and he's been loving the apples since. I'm keeping him just on one food for about a week or so before introducing anything new. We'll probably stick to just the apples for another few days.
I feel like we are starting him on solids sooo early - but I feel like my supply isn't keeping up with him and I'd rather supplement with a little rice cereal in his bottles and a jar of food at night rather than put him on formula!
Here are a few pictures of his first taste of solid foods!
Like I said, he was not at all impressed with the Rice Cereal - but he really seems to like his apples - opening his mouth when the spoon nears his mouth and smiling at me while I feed him!

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