With all the rain - the ditches in our front yard and our neighbor's front yard have stayed full and the girls are totally enthralled! Everytime they get out of the truck, they run to the ditches saying they have to get the alligators..
--The following conversation ensued Tuesday evening:
Me: Brooklyn, where are you going?
Brooklyn: I going to get the alligators!
Me: Where do the alligators live?
Brooklyn: In the water.
Me: Where is the water?
Brooklyn: In the bitch.
Me: {trying hard not to laugh} - Brooklyn - it is a ditch.
Brooklyn: Oh - in the bitch...
P.S. - I hestitated to post this because of the "b" word - but it was too funny not to post for future laughter! She is so cute saying it as she really thinks she is saying ditch! This morning - she was telling us again and Bella was correcting her saying "No D as in Daddy - Ditch"! Too cute...

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