Sunday, November 30, 2008


The girls were up very early on Saturday and then did not nap at all that day, so they were in bed asleep by about 8 pm (we start bedtime pretty early - but it is rare that they are actually asleep by 8 pm)...Brannon was in bed early too mainly because he had to be at work at 6 am on Sunday! So it was just me for a bit and Georgia decided to curl up in Brooklyn's chair that we have in the living room! It was too cute of a picture not to take...

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Poor Brooklyn having to mop the floors!!!
-- --
Please don't feel too sorry for her! She had the best time playing with my Swiffer mop...Personally, I'm hoping she keeps up the skill because I despise mopping/scrubbing floors!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


The girls and I actually just stayed around the house on Saturday, with the exception of our quick trip to the grocery story. Bella decided she wanted to color and so Brooklyn wanted to color. While they were coloring - I cleaned off/out the cabinet that holds the coloring stuff and I found some stickers and stamps and the girls had a blast coloring and using sticker and stamping!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

16 days...

Have you noticed that little baby ticker I have on the left sidebar of the blog??? Seriously - it says 16 days until my due date!! 16 days and we will likely be holding our new little one...This pregnancy seems to have FLOWN by!
I am at the doctor every week now! In case you missed my latest installment in my pregnancy journal - click here for the latest.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dalton!

Today is our nephew's 1st birthday! Happy Birthday, Dalton!

The Picture

Jenny over at Life with 4 kiddos was able to lighten up the picture of Bella and I. It still isn't great quality - but you can at least see what a great picture it is (had they only had their flash on)!!!
Thanks, Jenny!!



My girls LOVE to receive mail! We live in a very small town and thus receive our mail at the Post Office - they always say when I pull into the Post Office - "you check mail, Momma?" And when I return from getting the mail they always ask "you got mail for me?"!! They love it I tell you!
Bella colors at school at least 2-3 times a week, so these pictures pile up! I can only hang so many around the house! Brooklyn is beginning to color at school as well. So yesterday - we sat at the table and Bella picked out each picture and told me who she wanted to send them to! We sent one to each of my siblings, my parents and my grandma! Then we were out of pictures!
So this morning on the way to school we stopped by the BIG post office in town (haha - in the nearest town) and dropped them all off in the mail! Bella was so EXCITED!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Birthday, Whitney!

Today is our niece's 2nd birthday! Happy Birthday, Whitney!!

Six Things About Me

I was tagged for this from Jenny at Life with 4 kiddos...

OK- so six things about me that you may not know...
1. I cry at weddings and funerals - regardless of the relationship.
2. I love Christmas - my Christmas tree has been up for almost 3 weeks now! My girls are probably totally unaware that Thanksiving is a week away - granted they are only 3 and 2 - but they're already into Christmas! I can use the excuse this year that I am very pregnant and wanted to get everything up before the baby got here so that we would still have a tree up and the stockings up - but honestly - I put my tree up around the same time last year!
3. My house is usually a mess - I do try so hard to keep it picked it up - but it seems no matter how hard I try to keep it neat, it just gets messier!
4. I love pictures, especially of my girls!
5. I love babies...but am a bit nervous about adding baby #3 to our family - just the normal worries - how will the baby fit into our family dynamic, how will the girls react, will we make it to the hospital for the birth....
6. I put sugar in my grits - my husband always makes fun of me when I do this! Supposedly - grits are sugar and you're only supposed to put salt in them - yuck - give me the sugar!
I'm having a hard time coming up with 6 people to tag..So whoever is reading this - if you want to do this, leave me a comment if you post this on your blog - so I can come and read 6 things about you!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I got a phone call on Thursday afternoon that a very special lady had passed away- and very unexpectedly I might add. I was in shock and so saddened by it - I just bawled and whenever I think of her, I can't help but cry. She was so young - only 56...with a husband, daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons and such a WONDERFUL LADY and will be greatly missed!!!
Then, I was "blog hopping" a bit this morning (procrastinating cleaning the house) and came across a post about little baby named Ruby - who only lived for a short 90 minutes. When I went to Ruby's family's blog - the first thing I noticed was the pregnancy ticker - it said 21 days to go...I only have 20! You can read about Ruby's story here and here and here.
I can't imagine being in their shoes right now and having to say good-bye before you even get to say hello...Hug your babies a few extra times today..

Sleeping Beauties...

We've been transitioning Brooklyn out of the crib and into the "big" bed. She's done really well with it! The first night I tried it she ended up back in her crib by about 11:30 pm...but since then she has slept in the "big" bed all night! Brannon must have snapped these pictures one night when he got home from work....
I had their room set up so that their beds were separate with the dressor in between them - looked very cute for room decoration purposes - but they decided they wanted one big bed and my thoughts were "whatever works"! So their two twin beds are pushed together.

Friday, November 21, 2008

What do you wear to stroll your babies?

Isn't this what you wear to stroll your babies around town?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Mike!

Today is my brother's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What are Grandparents made of?

What are Grandparents made of?
Hope and pride, pure joy inside
Warm hugs and kisses, shooting star wishes
Tickles and fun, a sprinkle of sun
Hands to hold, hearts of gold...
That's what Grandparents are made of
Tales from the past, memories to last
Laps for reading. "I love you" greetings
Wisdom to teach, always in reach
Toys galore, eyes that adore...
That's what Grandparents are made of
Patience and time, trees to climb
Baby photos in frames, childhood games
Bragging rights, sleep over nights
Comforting arms, magical charms...
That's what Grandparents are made of
Kindness and care, affection to share
Heart-to-heart talks, unhurried walks
Faith and trust, spoiling a must
Endless love, a gift from above...
That's what Grandparents are made of
by Teri Harrison

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Photo Shoot - Part 3

Here are the pregnancy pictures we were able to get. Once the girls appear to be losing their patience and hitting their limit of cooperation - we just say enough..It isn't worth having two screaming children in our opinions!
Both girls kissing the baby!
They were trying to get both girls to lay their heads on my belly - but Brooklyn apparently didn't think that would work - so she just kissed my belly! Bella did almost whatever they asked her to do pose wise!

Brannon and Beth - 36 weeks pregnant with #3
Brannon and Beth - 36 weeks pregnant with #3
This is a picture of just Bella and I that they happened to snap - but they didn't have the flash set correctly...I actually didn't even realize this was a picture of anything. If you look VERY VERY close - you'll see Bella laying her head on my belly...I LOVE this picture - if you think you can "fix" this picture so it is usable - please leave me a comment with your email address and I'll email you the picture!! I'd appreciate any help!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Photo Shoot - Part 2


Here are the attempts of getitng a picture of the girls together! I am pleased to say that we got a great picture of them and I would have been happy if that picture was the only one we left with!


This is the one we decided to purchase!! I honestly just love it - they are both smiling great smiles and they are both looking at the camera!!!!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

My husband...

Brannon told me yesterday "I don't want you to freak out, but we have mice in the laundry room. But don't worry the snake in there will take care of them!"...
I don't do mice and I don't do snakes - I told him I wasn't going back into the laundry room until they were gone! Just a side note - our laundry room is a completely separate room under our carport...He cleaned the entire laundry room today and told me the mice were gone (he only saw 2 and said they were tiny) and therefore the snake would be gone soon! We had an open bag of birdseed and lots of stuff for the mice to "hide" in! No more bird seed and no more hiding places either!