At nearly 2 1/2:
- You certainly know what you want and aren't afraid to tell anybody!
- You call Brooklyn "Baby Brooke".
- You love Baby Brooke and are protective of her!
- You go to work either at Wal-Mart, the Casino, or the Office.
- You think you can get anything and everything from Wal-Mart!
- You love Band-Aids!
- You love to watch movies. Some favorites are: Cinderella, Peter Pan, Return to Neverland (i.e.: Tinkerbell movie), Alladin, Curious George, Princess Movies (the one that has all the Disney Princesses in it - you call it "Gift from Heart" because one of the "episodes" is titled "A Gift from the Heart").
- You like to watch Wizard of Oz and aren't scared by the flying monkeys or the Wicked Witch!
- You love to watch Micky Mouse Clubhouse!
- You love to be read to - right now we are constantly reading from your Disney's Princess Collection book you received for Christmas.
- You know your last name, your mommy's "real" name, your daddy's "real name".
- You like sleeping in mommy's bed. When you do so - you usually sleep with your foot in Daddy's face!
- You fell and fractured your arm!
- You still are not potty trained and some days I wonder if you ever will be!
- You say "no" ALOT!
- You say "yessa ma'am" and "no ma'am", most of the time.
- You say "please" and "thank you".
- You say "How about..." when you want something (for example, when picking out a movie - you'll say "How about Tinkerbell").
- You say "OH" when we tell you something new.
- Your speech is getting better everyday. You are putting more and more sentences together.
- You've recently started talking about monsters and you've even put these monsters in the corner!
- You are growing up WAY TOO FAST!
At 14 months:
- You are happiest little girl I've seen - you wake up with a smile and wear one most of the day.
- You give the sweetest kisses - with sweet sound effects and all.
- You love to carry your monkeys by their tails and you suck on their tails!
- You get so excited when Daddy comes home from work - you just squeal and squeal when he opens the door!
- You know that Georgia says "aarf"!
- You can say "daddy", "momma", and "georgia"
- You can sign "milk" (aka - wants to nurse), "please", "drink", "eat" and "more"
- You know where your nose is.
- You are starting to throw tantrums when things don't go as you think they should.
- You are not a baby anymore!
- You nod your head "yes" and "no". The "yes" nod is so very cute!
- You are growing up WAY TOO FAST!
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